There is no quicker or simpler way to get clean then to go cold turkey. Cold turkey detox is when you detox off opiates without using any opiate taper medication. In simple terms it’s when you just stop using and go through the withdrawals.
The benefit of cold turkey is that instead of extending the detox and withdrawals out over time like with a traditional taper, you get it over with all at once. It's the equivalent of ripping the bandaid right off.
If you're someone who wants to get clean quickly or who does not want to use taper medications then cold turkey may be for you.
The severity of cold turkey withdrawals will depend on the opiate you are dependent on, how much you are using and how long you’ve been using it for. For short acting opiates like heroin and oxycodone you should start slowly improving after day 5, and for fentadope you should start slowly feeling better after day 7-8.
Before we start: All detoxes should be done under an experienced doctors supervision. These are just general recommendations and guidelines to discuss with your doctor.
Preparing for the Detox:
If you are going to detox cold turkey you should prepare yourself mentally and stock up on the supplies you’ll need.
The mental aspect of withdrawals are a big part of the game. If your in a good place mentally your detox will be much easier.
Mentally you will need to be determined, and motivated to get clean. Be ready for the discomfort of withdrawals, but keep in mind that the withdrawals aren’t necessarily a bad thing. It's your body’s way of cleansing itself from the drugs and adjusting back to equilibrium. When you're feeling uncomfortable you can remind yourself that you are making progress and your body is healing.
You may want to remove all drugs and paraphernalia from your house and delete any dealers phone numbers to reduce the temptation to relapse.
I highly recommend doing the detox when you have time off, and no obligations. Also it's best to do this when you have someone else around to help out. They can help with cooking, bringing you fluids and making sure your ok.
Fluids- You’ll want to make sure you have fluids easily accessible to replace the fluids you lose. Drinks like gatorade and vitamin water can be helpful for this.
Food- Because cooking may be difficult, foods that are easy to prepare like prepackaged meals are a good idea. Basic foods like toast, oatmeal and soup can also be helpful for if you feel nauseas.
High calorie drinks like Ensure or Ensure plus- It may be hard to eat during the detox because of a lack of appetite and nausea. If you find you aren’t eating enough drinks like the Ensures will come in handy, and give you a way to consume calories and nutrients.
Easy to do activities- Its important to keep your mind occupied while you detox. You’ll find that when you're distracted you’ll notice the withdrawal symptoms much less. The worst thing you can do during detox is sit and focus on how uncomfortable you are.
Because during the acute withdrawals you may not want to leave the house, it’s a good idea to keep some activities for yourself in the house. Movies, video games, and puzzles can all be good options. Find activities you enjoy that you will be able to do while detoxing.
Comfort Meds and Supplements- Although these are not necessary, they can be a huge help. Comfort meds can go a long way in making your detox more bearable.
The detox:
The cold turkey detox is pretty simple to do, you just stop using and go through the withdrawals.
You can start your detox at any time, but personally I like to start my detox in the morning. This way you can use your last dose the night before, get a good night sleep and be well rested when you begin. I find this helpful because it's difficult to sleep during the detox, so starting well rested is a plus.
Using the Comfort meds and supplements:
Once the detox starts and you start feeling uncomfortable I recommend using the comfort meds if you have them.
This should all be discussed and reviewed with your doctor in advance.
Here we will discuss different comfort meds/supplements and how to use them. Remember these are not necessary. And you can use whichever ones you are able to get and your doctor approves.
Gabapentin - can be taken as needed throughout the day in doses of 300-600mg. This will help with all around comfort. You can take this morning, afternoon and night as needed. Taking Gabapentin at night can help with sleep.
Clonidine - can be as needed, once to twice a day. Be careful clonidine lowers blood pressure and can make you feel dizzy and faint. So start with a small dose. This will help with overall comfort.
Benzos- can be taken as needed. These can help with sleep, anxiety, cold sweats, and all around comfort. Be careful, benzos can be addictive so take them only when needed, try and keep the dose low and stop using them as soon as the detox is finished. Mixing benzos and opiates is dangerous as they both depress the respiratory system making it easier to OD. So if your detox doesn’t work out and you do relapse make sure the benzos are out of your system before taking opiates.
Muscle relaxers- Taken as needed. these can be used to relieve tension and muscle cramps caused by withdrawal.
Imodium- this OTC medication is great for treating upset stomach and diarrhea caused by opiate withdrawal. Take as needed

Multivitamin- can be taken every morning, many of us don’t eat properly during our addiction and detox so replacing the missing vitamins is important.
Weed- Weed can be used as needed to help with nausea, appetite, sleep and general comfort. Be careful though, for some people weed can increase anxiety and discomfort. So if your someone who gets anxious from weed, detox may not be a good time.
Kratom- Kratom is a plant that produces opiate like effects in the body and brain. It acts on similar receptors as other opiates. There are tons of anecdotal reports of people who swear by it for relieving withdrawal symptoms. However similarly to opiates kratom is highly addictive and can cause severe withdrawals.

If you look on reddit there is a whole host of people who ended up trading an opiate addiction for a kratom addiction. Now some people may be fine with this. It's safer, cheaper, legal in most states and more manageable than a full blown opiate addiction.
Each person will need to decide for themselves wether to use kratom or not during their detox.
If you decide to use kratom during the detox but don’t want to become dependent on it I would recommend using kratom for no more than a 5-7 days during your acute withdrawal.

It's important to note that if you are using potent opiates like fentadope, regular kratom leaf is unlikely to do much for you until you’ve been clean for a few days and your tolerance drops. However there are more powerful products known as kratom extracts, these products are many times stronger than regular kratom leaf and may be more effective for those with large addictions or those using potent opiates. The downside is that the extracts are even more addictive than kratom leaf and the withdrawals are more severe.
So if you decide to use extracts I recommend only using them when needed for maximum a few days and then switching over to the kratom leaf.
If your choice is either continuing to use fentadope or detoxing with the help of kratom I would definitely advise using the kratom.
In my opinion Kratom is clearly an effective harm reduction tool.
You can try to use kratom as a taper tool where you start your detox taking more and gradually lower your dose over the course of the detox. Or on as needed basis as part of a cold turkey detox to mitigate withdrawal symptoms when you feel you need relief.
If you’re going to purchase kratom it’s important to get the kratom from a reputable vendor. This will help ensure you get quality kratom. Most head/smoke shops sell low quality kratom that is over priced, and may contain harmful ingredients. Your much better off getting kratom from a reputable site that specializes in kratom. Happy Hippo is one of the best known and reputable kratom suppliers, their site is linked here (use the link for a discount). Other well known reputable sites are kraken kratom and kats botanicals.
Disclaimer: Kratom remains unregulated by the FDA, and is not approved for any uses, the authors of this text would like you to note that although this article contains many points regarding the use of Kratom, they should only serve as a piece of information - not medical advice.
Eating and Drinking:
It's important to keep hydrated and to make sure you eat during the detox. If your finding it hard to eat and drink try setting specific times during the day where you drink fluids and eat a little. Simple foods like grilled cheese, soup, and toast, can be good if you are feeling nauseas. If you find your not eating enough start drinking the meal replacement drinks like ensure. When I detox I try and drink at least 2 a day as I usually find it hard to eat solids.
Staying busy:
Try and keep yourself occupied with activities even if thats just watching tv, video games or a puzzle. You’ll find that when your distracted you’ll notice the withdrawal symptoms much less. The worst thing you can do during detox is sit and focus on how uncomfortable you are.
Soaking in hot baths is another great way to pass time and feel better. Baths are amazing at addressing the chills/hot flashes and cold sweats. I would sometimes take 3-4 baths a day during a detox. I cannot recommend them enough. Bring fluids to drink while you bathe because you’ll sweat from the hot water.
If your feeling up to it exercise can be a great way to help you feel better. Even just a short walk or a light workout can be helpful. Exercise will release endorphins that will help you feel good.
Cold turkey detox is a simple, effective, and quick way to detox off opiates, If that sounds appealing cold turkey may be a good choice for you.
Preparing for your detox properly will make the process a lot more manageable. Buy supplies and get ready in advance.
Lastly remember that the mental part is a huge part of the game. So try and stay positive and mentally strong. Addiction and detox can make you feel hopeless, but remind yourself everyday that you're one step closer to a better future. Every second that passes of your detox is a second closer to healing. Use the pain as a motivation to never go back to using.
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Where would you recommend getting kratom if not from a smoke shop??
Great info on Kratiom. I am addicted to fent. I bought what was supposed to be really strong Kratos tablets, it looked like they were filled with powder... they did nothing. I also probably didn't wait long enough. I'm also glad to get the info on the liquid kratom... I'm gonna give it a shot (no pun intended) lol and also wait it out longer before starting the Kratos. AGgain this site is so informational. It's hard to find info specific to