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Getting off Fentadope Options.


Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Detoxing off any opiate is hard. However coming off fenadaope or dirty blues poses its own unique set of challenges.


Because of the potency of fentanyl and its analogs the withdrawals from fentadope (and dirty blues) are particularly nasty.

In addition to that, fentanyl and its analogs can have long half lives and store in your body's fat making it extremely difficult to start suboxone without getting precipitated withdrawals.

This leaves you with several options for detoxing off of fentaope.

Before we start: All detoxes should be done under an experienced doctors supervision. These are just general recommendations to discuss with your doctor.


Cold turkey means completely stopping your drug use without a maintenance or taper medication like Suboxone or Methadone.

Cold turkey is one of the most difficult types of detox because you don’t use any opiates to lessen the withdrawals. The benefits of cold turkey are that it doesn't require any medication and the speed at which you can get clean and finish your detox. While tapers can take months to complete, by going cold turkey you can detox in less than 2 weeks. It's the equivalent of ripping the bandaid right off.

Going cold turkey wont be easy and you’ll need to be strong willed to resist using. You may want to consider getting rid of any remaining drugs and deleting any dealers phone numbers to avoid the temptation to relapse. If you choose to go this route I recommend doing it with the help of someone else. This way they can help cook food for you, bring you fluids, help distract you and be there in case anything happens.

I also recommend using comfort meds and supplements to help ease the withdrawals.

If you’re cold turkeying off of fentadope the first 7-10 days should be the worst and after that you’ll start slowly feeling better.

If you cold turkey off short acting opiates like oxycodone or heroin, the first 5 days will be the worst and after that you should start slowly feeling better.

You will want to do this when you have no obligations and time off from work.

Detoxing with Suboxone (buprenorphine):

Detoxing with suboxone is done by stopping your opiate use and switching to suboxone, once on suboxone you gradually lower your dose till you get to 0.

This can be done at whatever speed you choose. It can be done in as quick as 5-7 days which is standard in many inpatient detoxes. Or it can as long as a year if you taper your Suboxone super slowly.

The issue with using Suboxone for a fentadope detox, is that fentanyl and its analogs can have long half lives and store in your body, this makes it extremely difficult to start Suboxone without experiencing precipitated withdrawals. However, there are 2 methods you can use to avoid or minimize precipitated withdrawals.

One is the Bernese method, which is a method where you slowly micro dose the Suboxone over a few days while at the same time continuing to use your drug of choice.

The other method requires that you wait minimum 72 hours from your last dose of fentadope and then start by slowly taking tiny pieces of suboxone, .25-.5mg every few hours. If the Suboxone is helping continue this method till you reach a dose that you feel ok on. However if at any point you start feeling worse from the onset of precipitated withdrawals stop and wait longer before trying again.

Once your stabilized on the suboxone you can start your detox by gradually tapering the dose.

If you're trying to do a quick detox, about 7 days. I would recommend taking the minimum amount necessary on the first day. This will make your taper down to 0 easier and quicker.

This link has info on doing a quick opiate detox using Suboxone.

And this one has info on doing a slow detox/taper using Suboxone.

Detox with Methadone:

Detoxing with Methadone has the benefit that unlike Suboxone there is no risk for precipitated withdrawals. This makes it much easier to get started on it.

When doing a detox using Methadone you stop your opiate use, start the methadone and then use methadone to gradually taper yourself down to 0.

This can be done in as little as 7 days to as long as a few months depending on how quickly you taper.

This link has more info on doing a quick fentadope detox using Methadone.

And this link has info on doing a slow detox/taper using Methadone.

This is more commonly accomplished by people who are dependent on pharmaceutical opiates, however it can also be done by people dependent on heroin, fentadope or dirty blues.

The reason its easier for people who are dependent on pharmaceutical opiates to taper is because pharmaceutical opiates are consistent and exact. Every pill contains the exact amount its supposed to and so its easier to dose yourself properly and stick to your taper schedule.

When it comes to street opiates like fentadope or dirty blues, every bag, pill, and batch varies in strength. This means that throughout the taper your dose will vary even when sticking to the schedule. This will make it harder to taper smoothly and stick to your taper. This does NOT mean that tapering off fentadope is impossible, just that it's more difficult and requires a greater amount of will power and determination.

MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) / Methadone or Suboxone Maintenance:

MAT is using an opiate medication to help keep you off other opiates. Usually Methadone or Suboxone are used. Because Methadone and Suboxone are opiates they help reduce cravings and the urge to use. The difference between MAT and detox using Methadone or Suboxone is that during MAT you usually maintain at a steady dose that keeps you comfortable instead of tapering. MAT gives you a way to get clean while also being comfortable and not needing to detox. This is great for people who feel like getting off all opiates is too hard, or not doable. It can also be a good option for people with chronic pain who require opiates to treat their pain.

If you are a chronic relapser, or feel like being completely off all opiates is not for you at the moment, then MAT can be a great option.

Using Methadone or Suboxone is much safer than using fentadope or illicit opiates, and because of that MAT saves lives.

You can stay on MAT as long as you want, some people stay on it forever, while others use it for a period of time to get their life in order before choosing to eventually taper off.

Most people who do MAT are quickly able to improve their lives as being on MAT is much more sustainable and functional than being an active drug user.

Deciding which option is for you:

If you want or need to detox as quickly as possible, are extremely determined, feel like you can handle the withdrawals, and can arrange the time off to detox, then cold turkey can be a good option for you. Also for people who cannot get their hands on Methadone or Suboxone you may want to consider going cold turkey.

If you plan on detoxing but have obligations, need to work, and want to minimize withdrawal symptoms as much as possible then I would recommend a detox using one of the Methadone or Suboxone options.

If you just want to get off the fentadope but feel like a detox is too difficult right now, have severe chronic pain, or are not interested in being completely opiate free at the moment then Medication Assisted Treatment may be a good option for you. Remember you can always start MAT and decide to taper off later down the line.


  • No matter which method you choose having a support network is extremely helpful. Therapy and counseling are also helpful and can be important as you adjust to life without fentadope.

  • Eating and staying hydrated is very important during a detox to help you recover and get the nutrients you need. Eating during detox can be difficult due to nausea and lack of appetite, but its important to make yourself eat and drink even if its just a little at a time.

  • If you are gonna detox cold turkey or choose one of the quick detox options its best to have someone around to help and be there for you.

Feel free to leave your detox stories, experiences and questions in the comment below or in our forum.

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2 opmerkingen

29 jun 2023

This is an amazing resource for anyone. Provid judgement free information- no matter the route you choose to go. Bravo to whoever is keeping up with this - your link is shared a whole lot!

29 jun 2023
Reageren op

Agreed! This website Is an incredible resource! I’ve shared it with so many friends. It made getting clean much easier for me! Thank you to the mastermind behind this initiative.

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